
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Yep...Still Busy

So... I keep saying and thinking that I want to blog more again, and then it still falls between the cracks.  I guess you'll just have to bear with me or stop reading the blog.  Or maybe you'll find the proverbial door number three.

Anyway... I've got a new dessert recipe to post... Apple Cinnamon Squares... DELICIOUS!  I ate one about five minutes ago and could still go for another three... or four... or the rest of the pan. So, I will get that up later this week.

We haven't seen any new movies lately.  I know.  Shame.  We're working on it.

Here are some things I'm enjoying right now:
  • The apple cinnamon squares.  Seriously.  They're awesome.
  • Getting to wear my new boots (even if that means the weather is getting colder).
  • Also, my new fake TOMS.  They're gray and white, and super cute and comfy... and they were only $12!  Woohoo!
  • How great my past couple of runs have felt since the triathlon.  I've never realized how insanely good swimming is for you until now.
  • Playing chess with Thomas.  We just randomly went to Oberweiss for some delicious ice cream on Sunday afternoon and decided to play chess while we ate.  So now we're playing chess together.  And I'm getting slaughtered. every. time.
  • I'm also still super in love with my job!  It's pretty awesome.  And in case you were curious, here's an amazing video they did this weekend!  They actually have a package where they will film a wedding, edit it immediately, and then show a video at the reception!  Wow!  Talk about talent!  (And don't think I'm tooting my own horn here, I had absolutely nothing to do with the artistic beauty you see in the video!)

Wasn't that video awesome?!  I know, right!  And I get to work with these people!

Oh... also.  Stay tuned here and/or on Instagram tomorrow.  I may have some before and after photos coming up... And that's all the hint you're going to get!


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