
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Taking Stock

This is a post I saw on my favorite blog (The Small Things Blog).  Apparently she got it from the original on Meet Me at Mike's.  I thought it was a cool idea, so I made my own!

Making : a new scarf on my loom
Cooking : different pizza recipes
Drinking : sweet tea… always sweet tea
Reading: The Chanters of Tremaris trilogy
Wanting: ice cream… every single day  J
Looking: at beautiful flowers growing
Playing: Spider Solitaire on my phone

Watching: "Doctor Who" reruns on Netflix
Wasting: gas on country drives (though it doesn’t really feel like wasting)
Sewing: the finishing touched on my scarf (once it’s done)
Wishing: to go hiking and to Six Flags
Enjoying: the hot weather
Waiting: for August 23rd (the sprint triathlon)
Liking: my new job
Wondering: if I’ll ever get into a pattern after the move
Loving: my new bike
Hoping: the weather stays nice for the 4th
Marveling: at the lovely countrysides and rolling hills
Needing: to sleep better
Wearing: summer dresses and sandals
Noticing: how quickly the days go by
Knowing: I need to work on my swimming
Thinking: I want to make some madeleines
Feeling: very full…very

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