
Friday, June 6, 2014

A Funny Story

Ok... So I have to tell this story, mostly because I can't hardly believe it myself.

I had an interview today for a job I was pretty excited about.  So, naturally, I was so nervous I could hardly think about anything else.  (I get incredibly, stupidly nervous about a lot of things.)  And when I'm nervous about things, I tend to "kind of" dream about them.

Now, here's what I mean about "kind of":  If you didn't know me, and I just walked up to you on the street and told you about the dream I had last night, you would think I was on acid or something.  Literally.  My dreams are insanely weird.  I promise that I couldn't make this stuff up or make it weirder if I tried.  I don't know what happens to my brain when I go to sleep, but it goes nuts!  (I guess it's all the crazy I cage up during the day seeping out at night.)

So, anyway, I had a dream of my interview last night, but of course, it was super weird.  Here's the gist:

I walked in to a busy office and there were a bunch of people around having a meeting or something and generally ignoring me while I waited for the person I was supposed to interview with.  (I was also doing some sort of weird swaying back and forth thing at this point and chastising myself for swaying around inside the office with people around.)  When the guy brought me back into the office for the interview, he was talking about a lot of pop culture, movies, and books, etc.  And on his desk, he had a collection of TARDIS from the show "Doctor Who" which he pointed out to me.  (Thomas and I are HUGE "Doctor Who" fans.)  He was asking me how many of the "Classics" I'd read (like, classic old books), and I, trying to sound smart, mentioned that I'd recently read Anna Karenina (because I haven't read a ton of the classics).  Then he explained that, in his opinion, the most important "Classic" is The Lord of the Rings, which I didn't really think counted...  There's more detail to the dream, but let's get to the point of this story.

This morning when I woke up, I thought my dream was, as usual, weird, but I didn't put much stock into it because my dreams are always weird.  But when I got to the interview today...

The very first thing I saw when I opened the door was... an almost-life-size cardboard cut out of a TARDIS...  And I just stood there for a minute with my mouth hanging open...  And then I continued into the office and turned back around just to make sure I hadn't imagined it...  There it was... A TARDIS... in the office... really similar to my dream.

I can't believe that even a small portion of my ridiculous nerves-induced dream came true.  I'm still baffled by it.  You probably don't think this is as crazy as I do, but I just had to put it out there.

Anyway, I will have the dessert recipe up tomorrow.  Here's a peek (I don't have any great photos for it because I made these in the process of the move).

Gooey Funfetti Cake Bars... yummy!  Even a little over-done, these things were delish!

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