
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Back from a Break

Well!  I ended up taking a much longer break for the holidays than I expected.  But life doesn't always go according to plan, does it?!  So here are some updates from the past two weeks!

The reason I ended up taking a longer break was because I got a super nasty cold the weekend before Christmas.  So in addition to feeling awful, I also had to finish getting ready for the in-laws' visit and Christmas!  Yuck!  Thank goodness Thomas was wonderful and helped me clean the house.

So then the sickness continued through Christmas, and I'm still not totally back to normal.  I have a lingering, awful cough.  But, I am so much better than last week!

We had a great visit with Thomas' parents.  Christmas was wonderful.  Since this was our first Christmas at our own house, it was so wonderful to get to set our own schedule and spend the day relaxing!  Thomas and I got to wake up and open our gifts to each other on Christmas morning, then his parents came over and we opened more gifts with them and a great day relaxing!

We, of course, watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special.  Oh, it was sad to say goodbye to Matt Smith, but we are interested to see what the future holds for the show.  Lolo and I were super tired by then, so we cuddled on the couch and grabbed cat naps during the commercials.
Thomas got me a Doctor Who puzzle for Christmas, and I've already completed it and torn it apart.  My parents also got us a puzzle (a much bigger, harder one), and I'm working on that one now.
My parents also got me an adorable scarf hanger for Christmas, so I've already got it hung up in the closet so it's a little bit on display!
Another Christmas gift I got was a creme brulee torch and ramekins.  (Creme brulee is one dessert that Thomas will order without fail at a restaurant that serves it.)  So, I've already made two different kinds, and we are loving it!  Thomas has already decided that creme brulee will be his birthday dessert in February!  Lol!

We spent our New Year's Eve at home, eating pizza and having a movie marathon.  We're old people at heart, so we didn't even make it to midnight.  But who cares!  On New Year's Day, we went out for some delicious bagels for breakfast and spent the morning out, playing with our new outdoor Christmas toys!

Today feels like the first day I've been able to sit down and recap the holidays.  I absolutely loved the change in pace for the past week, but it's also nice to be back to normal!  I'll definitely be making more creme brulee soon, so I can't wait to share a few recipes!

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