
Monday, December 16, 2013

Little Bits of Random {Lundi Little Lovelies}

I couldn't really think of a cute title for today's post because it really is just random.  Several randoms strung together.  So, no catchy title...

Since I did not get around to blogging on Thursday... or Friday... or Saturday... I have quite a few little lovelies to share!  I may save a few for later this week, but we'll just have to see as I go along.

(Also, I still have a recipe all ready to go, but I haven't taken any photos yet, so I'm waiting on that.  Hopefully tomorrow... though that's what I said last Wednesday...)

Little Lovely #1:  I made this on Thursday and Friday.  
Just a simple skirt with some a-dor-able aqua/teal linen.  It turned out pretty well; there's just one part that looks a little funny, so I'll probably go back and fix it a bit.  It also needs some more time under the iron, which makes sense since this fabric's been in my stash for... ahem... several years.  It's pretty fun when something I sew comes out well because usually I get in a hurry and take shortcuts so that things don't turn out as well as they should.  I'm pretty impatient when it comes to sewing.

Little Lovely #2:  I sat around yesterday afternoon between Christmas parties and made these.
I've made paper snowflakes each year since we've moved to Florida.  Sometimes Thomas helps me, and sometimes (aka. yesterday) he sits on the floor and plays Call of Duty while I make them.  :)
It's just something silly and fun I enjoy doing.  Since I took this photo last night, I've actually made a few more!  Fun fun!

Little Lovely #3:  Our Christmas boxes from my parents arrived today!  Yay!!!!!  So our Christmas tree has more presents under it, a few new ornaments (presents we got to open early), our stockings are hung, and the nativity scene is displayed (albeit on the dvd case since we don't have anywhere better).
This nativity scene is really special to me, because it was a gift from one of my aunts when I was really young.  She painted all of the figurines herself.  And since then, it was my job each year to set it up when it was time to decorate for Christmas.  My mom surprised me by sending it with our gifts.  So this is the first year (in about 20 years) that it won't be displayed in my parents house, but in my own.  Aww!  It's a little sentimental to me if you can't tell.

Little Lovely #4:  Christmas is on the 10 Day Forecast!!!  Woohoo!!!  And there's only 7 days left until my in-laws get here!  I can't believe it's coming so fast!  I need to finish my shopping!  Yikes!  (Wow, there are so many exclamation points in this post!  And there's another one)

Also, I got to go have lunch with Thomas today!  So that brightens up any day!  All in all, this Monday is going pretty darn well!  And it's a nice mellow day after the crazy Christmas party weekend!

Happy Monday!

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