
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday #1

Well, it is already about a week into November!  Wow!  It's amazing to look back and see how much has changed in 2013 so far.  Sometimes I look back and think about how quickly it has gone.  And yet it feels like it's been forever too!  (I know, so cliche!)

For the month of Thanksgiving, a lot of people post one thing they're thankful for on Facebook each day.  I think it's a lovely idea, however, I've decided to adapt it so I can blog about the things I'm thankful for rather than post them on Facebook.  So, this month I decided that I am going to write a "Thankful Thursday" post each week with a few things I'm thankful for!
  1. I am honestly so thankful for Thanksgiving.  It's one of my favorite holidays for several reasons.  If I had to choose one holiday to label as "the most selfless", it would definitely be Thanksgiving.  It's all about reminding yourself of how good you have it, even though we don't deserve all these blessings.  And it's about family.  There's really no other agenda than to sit around the table sharing stories, laughing, helping each other, playing games.  And food.  (Of course I would love the holiday that is all about food!)
  2. I am thankful that the Lord has caused one of my dearest dreams to come true.  I live in Florida, mere single-digit miles from the beach.  Wow!  God has caused my two biggest dreams in life to come true so early, and I can't thank Him enough.  His generosity blows me away.  What's the other big dream, you ask? Well, not to be overly sappy, but it's Thomas.  Since before I was a teenager, I prayed that God wouldn't give me the opportunity to date a bunch of boys who weren't the one.  I just wanted my husband.  And God answered that prayer enormously!  In fact, I was so focused on waiting for my husband that he had to work pretty hard to make me pay much attention to him in the first place.  But, once he and God got me to pay attention, I knew he was the one less than two months after we started dating.  God gave me so exactly what I wanted that I wasn't even really looking for it yet!  He answered faster than I would have ever even thought to ask for!  I am ever so thankful for my God!
  3. I'm thankful that tonight is the last football game of the regular season for the high school I work with.  Though the team made the play-offs, this is the last regular game the band is going to.  (I don't know if we'll go to the play-off games or not, but we'll see.)  I'm thankful that the band only has to stay to half time so that I can come home earlier than usual!
  4. I am excited and thankful that I get to hang out with some girl friends this weekend and see Beth Moore speak at a conference!  I haven't had a "girls weekend" since before Thomas and I got married over 5 years ago, and I am so incredibly excited!  And Beth Moore's Beloved Disciple study has touched me so much over the past few months, so I just want to bask in that as long as possible, and seeing her speak live seems like a great way to do that!  I am so thankful that she is obedient to the call God places on her life.
  5. Ooh!  I'm thankful that Thomas and I got 3rd place in trivia last night!  Woohoo!  (I know this one is silly!)  But it's just so fun to find something new to do together that isn't expensive.  We have a lot of the same interests and hobbies, but we don't always get to enjoy some of them because we're on a budget, of course.  So this (almost) free activity is so much fun for us, and it helps that we're a good team!
Well, I've got to get going for that football game tonight, so I'm going to stop there!  I hope you stop and take a moment to think of some things you're thankful for.  If you'd like, feel free to comment with them; it's always wonderful to rejoice in each other's blessings!

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