
Monday, November 18, 2013

Funny Story {Lundi Little Lovelies}

So, nothing major today... Just a mild Monday.  It certainly has not been a bad day; it's really been pretty good.  But, still, nothing major has happened.  So here are a few little lovelies.

I have several different types of fresh fruit in my fridge right now!  I know it sounds ridiculous, but I just love fruit, and I love variety.  I've caught some good sales in the past few days, so I have different fruits to choose from when I want a snack.  In fact, I'm eating an apple from the huge bag I bought the other day, and it is a-maz-ing!  Seriously, it's like eating apple cider it's so sweet!

Guess what came off the loom today?!  Yep, the latest scarf!  Woohoo!  I literally just pulled it off and walked away, so photos will come later this week.

Thomas and I are having date night tonight!  We're going out to dinner, and though we've discussed where to go for about 20 minutes already today, we still don't know where we're going!  

Not a little lovely, but a funny story...  I woke up with a shot of adrenaline this morning.  I was slowly resuming consciousness while hearing weird noises.  I was thinking that Lo was probably digging around in the closet (as she does every so often).  But then I shot up out of bed when she started (cat) screaming!  (Like a high pitched gurgle-y meow)  Freaking out, I started to untangle myself out of bed when I saw the bottom two drawers of the dresser open, looking over, there was Lo, sitting next to them shaking herself out.  So she managed to get herself stuck in the bottom drawer, then pulled the one on top of that out on top of her so that she had to squeeze out a tiny 2 inch space to get out.  Yeah.  Not the nicest way to wake up in the morning!

Happy Monday!

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