
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Anniversary Awesomeness!

Ok, so first of all, sorry that you had to wait a whole extra day to find out about my anniversary surprise.  Lol.  I was too busy enjoying myself to blog yesterday.  Also, I just really couldn't put The Book Thief down when I had the free time that I could have used to blog.  I'm almost halfway through it, and I'm really, really intrigued.

So, here are some highlights of our fifth anniversary celebration on Friday!

  • We spent the morning at Andretti Thrill Park riding go carts, playing putt-putt, competing at arcade games, and all out having a childishly good time!
  • For dinner Thomas took me to a five start restaurant called Yellow Dog Cafe, which was absolutely amazing!  We are not hoity-toity restaurant people (mainly because we are low budget), but this place was such a treat!  It's by far the nicest restaurant I've ever eaten at, and the food was absolutely delicious!  After I got done devouring everything, I realized that I should have taken a few photos of my food because it was so pretty.  But, being the horrible food blogger that I am, when you set a dish in front of me, taking a picture is absolutely the last thing on my mind!  We sat in a covered porch area looking right out onto the Indian River.  We took the picture of us together when we walked out on the pier before dessert!  It was fabulous!
  • The surprise requires a tiny bit of back story:  When I woke up that morning, there was a card by the bed.  Thomas had written a sweet note, and at the bottom he told me to pack an overnight bag because we weren't coming home after dinner!!!  So I kind of knew what the surprise was all day, but I didn't have any specifics.  So after dinner, we got in the car and drove over to beach side.   There is this one hotel, the Radisson, that we always comment on as we drive by because the way they built the hotel is really cool.  It's a really long, skinny building that faces the beach so that every guest room can have an ocean view.  And lo and behold, that's where we were staying!  Thomas had gotten us a jacuzzi suite on the top (16th) floor for the night!!!  Needless to say, it was amazing!  Then Saturday morning, we got up and watched the sunrise and then went to our yummy beach side breakfast restaurant, The Blueberry Muffin, hung out at the beach and the pool and came home!  IT was awesome!  And all pulled off by my wonderful husband!  Here are some photo highlights!
The view from our balcony
Evening walk on the beach
Just one of the dozens of photos of the sunrise
Half of the hotel // Our room was the top right in this photo.
A whole wall of windows overlooking the ocean
Another view down the beach
One last photo on the balcony before we left

 So, all in all, my husband is amazing, and he worked hard to make our fifth anniversary very special.  Thank you honey!  (Random note: Now I'm going to have to write a post about how he really isn't perfect and sometimes he just makes me so crazy that I want to throw him out a window.  All you married people know what I'm talking about!  Lol.)

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